Saturday, 8 December 2012

The Deprive World (8)

Sentient World,Carving is an origin of the world,Craving is leading to the end of the world,Craving is a power of developments,a power of Changes and revolution.The unseen endless energy propels the circle of Change. No beginning ,no ending...... We our selves endlessly come to this world for our endless wanting and craving..Endlessly come and go without realize that we wouldn't get anything out from this world. We repeating the birth,to associate with parent and children,wife or husband,friends and enemy,and continue proceed to Old...sick and death of separation to our beloved parent and children...wife or husband...etc..We have no real control over our destiny and the inevitably of death and separation...... Environment and time changed unceasingly,in each Loka we cried,cry over our separation.We cry from Arupa Loka to Rupa Loka...from Rupa Loka to Kama Loka...We cry and cry...cry and to find our beloved parent and children...wife or husband..etc....Yet,in this circle of Change and Revolution,nothing we could have found them again...Yet,we were fighted and quarreled while we were lived together ...... In human society, a real evil of human suffering and tragedies,no other then the selfishness. Disguise under the name of right and justice,selfishness takes undue advantage for it selfish ends,disrupts well being and harmony with intention.Neglect obligation and duty,yet creates adversity and frictions in the circle of Changes and Revolutions.Selfishness suffers others and one self deeply and not worthy...... We alone come to this world,we alone purify our mind.If one disciplined by one self and live wisely,one enjoys the peace and happiness by one self. Like wise if one does evil,defile no others,but one self - This is truth,The Dhamma..The good begets good,evil begets evil...... Cultivate good humane quanlities and practice good deeds,help others and render a peaceful,harmony and happy living....... In this world of Empty,both affection and material,regardless whether one loves it or not,nothing we could have owned it.Nothing belong to "Self". It is an affair of Change and revolution by it's causes and conditions of good begets good,evil begets evil.....Everything is changing, interdependence and conditioned to each other that constitute the endless flow and the endless changes..... Beings deluded by Craving veiled his own vision,unable to see the Truth...Instead men need to reduce their selfishness,do good deeds, that good to others and one self......Many people hope to go to the heaven ,to Arupa Loka,to Rupa Loka after death,should understand that the good living is primarily the good quality of Minds, and the good rebirth is conditioned by the good quality of Mind too. If man could constantly watching over the Mind and remove mental impurities, follow the Dhamma paths,one'll experiences the heavenly bliss while living in present(Nibbanic bliss). It is practical and meaningful, no need to wait and hope to heaven after death,but, by should not waste time in responding to the wayward and unruly mind and endless wanting for undue advantage and undue immediate gain,instead to discharge our duty and obligation...... The most blissful on earth is to eradicate of Craving,hatred and delusion- Nibbana,that free our selves from suffering and experiences the freedom from defilements,like bird sets free from it's cage of bondages and experiences the Nibbana in this present life time - The peace and freedom,not money could buy,but for those who work for it...... let us continue to watch over our Mind...

Monday, 5 November 2012

The Deprive World (7)

We are liken a fish,our Thoughts of End less Long Time Wanting liken a bait,our wayward unruly,undisciplined Mind liken a hidden hook. If we are cling to the bait of Endless Long Time Wanting thought,then we are being hooked up by our Undisciplined Mind,cannot break free. "No clinging"is a technique for outwitting the bait and hook that necessary for fish to eat and survive freely(break free) without being hooked up (wrong view).Break free from it's entangles. Our Undisciplined Mind and our greedy unwholesome Thought...those are hook and bait...should not cling to them...Those are No self...Not "I"...Break free to regain back our pure Mind. Whatever the arisen of thoughts of Endless wanting, should understands that those are no self, those are the residue from the past...By way of no clinging,one'll sees the disengage,the disband ... Realized the Break Free... A sense of Freedom will arise,like a captive bird set free from its cage,fly to the sky, no East,West, North, bird fly in the sky........ Our Mind is a very power ful device,once it breaks free from its boundage,it sees the reality of the world immediatly (That is No Self). We are worldling, our ignorance and delusion give birth to self and follow by their companions.Those are: Transient(short while) happiness..Long Time Endless Wanting,produce endless desires,greater Craving....if not(or) the Guilty conscious,Repent conscious,Remorse conscious....Nothing much.It is just keep on repeating the same series process of Like and Dislike. By no'll disbands....Disengages ....And allows our Mind to Break free from it's series process of draw backs, and regain it's vision,and sees the reality of the world..........That... All things on earth devoid of Self.Nothing can be taken as self.All things change according to the cause and condition. No clinging is an importance technique for us to Break free our Delusion that vailed our vision.So after the Break free,it regains vision immediately and see the Truth...The Third Eye Opened. With the Third Eye opened,one sees(realized) that all beings in fact are beseted by their own Delusion caused by their own deluded Mind that compiles them selves forever drown in the world for their Endless wanting......(Sufferings)...unknowingly...Unless,being could seen and realized the drawbacks in the series process of Like and Dislike as mentioned before.Then beings could realized that we are actually the one who caused our own suffering.Because we are un acquaintance to our own nature of Mind yet multiply to our own sufferings.It is not an easy for one to see the draw backs.....Over the countless of lives,we been used to these process that diseased with craving.Not realised that the whole process actually are adding on addictives to multiply our Craving.So when the Craving highly filled up,then whatever the desire would never be satisfacted....What we actually gotten are in fact not benefit to our well being....but,more suffering and unrest...Man inflamed by the desires,find no satisfaction....suffers and confuses. By keep on feeling up the Craving is not the way to stop the Craving.But we did not realized at all. As we are worldling,our Mind normally busily in operating to it wayward unruly and greedy formations,selfishly takes interest to it endless wanting...Beings live and die unsatisfaction with the endless wishings and ambitions unfulfilled.Dissatisfaction and discontented,because the flames of desire keep on burning,and unquench....being used to this kind of living,mistaken that to satisfy our wanting is the sole purple of living in this world.Being living in this world with the sense of confusion.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

The Deprive World (6)

Before investigate over our suffering on Five Hindrances,we thought we known something about our own Mind.But now,realized that what actually we known are the understanding that came from our own label.We thought we known,but actually those knowledges fashion our mind are the result of the memory of our own label.Not the real knowledges come from our own realization and experience from our own investigation and practice. Likewise those knowledges of No self,Let go,No clinging.....merely our own label....and floating around... Therefore,to attend Enlightenment wouldn't be possible if we are not reliant our own effort.By oneself practices the investigation on own sufferings,then by oneself can realized and experienced. Let us continue to watch over our Mind.. As we found the Mind - our Mind - A Disgustful Mind....unruly,wayward... We are pain to learned that we are having this type of Mind - The Disgustful Mind. For the sick of our own benefit and progress,endeavor will make to search out the remainder defilements,use mindfulness and discernment to destroy them in our daily life.By doing so,our Mind becomes more and more dispassionate and quiet.We are become more and more focus and clear on our practice of watching over our Mind. We came to this world with our basic nature of defilements,Hindrances and undisciplined Mind.We makes use of this life to observe the percepts,meditation and practice investigate over our sufferings to change our intrinsic bad basic nature and habits day after day. Practice the Dhamma, discover our Mind,enable us to understand our Mind,so that we can dwell it with mindfully.When the Mind wrong- knows the Mind wrong.When the Mind right- knows it right.When the Mind deluded - knows it deluded....What we have to do is just simply aware and watch it,not clinging on it's right and wrong,see the arise and disband by itself naturally. Over the countless of lives,our Mind as usual, it habitually process on it familiarization,wanders over the external things with it unwholesome tendencies build up within.Our Mind is so accustomed to the defilement and ignorance all time. Use mindful and discernment, practice earnestly on relinquish attachments,no craving,Anger,Not worthily, and no delusion day after the instance of time,out of sudden,one perceives and experiences the "Emptiness" practically by one self.That is when one really practice and reached to the point where the Craving,Anger and Delusion are uninvolved ,our Mind free from the entangle,emanates the Dhamma....."Emptiness".At that moment, one feels like we are separated from this world,the world no longer belong to us.A sense of freedom and tranquility never feel before. Lay down upon on the grasping and clinging on the worldly gain and lost,praise and blame,power and fame etc..... With these experiences of "Emptiness",realized the transient nature of all existences,no one could really owned anything from this world of Emptiness.Yet beings see things as permanent ,want to be and to have the endless pleasant feeling,yet pleasant feeling transient(a short while),changeable - unreliable inconstanency.Follow behind the transient pleasant feeling are the Endless,long time be and to have. Our Body changes from young to old and decay, inconstant too. Our thoughts, changeable - Endless wanting and desires,inconstant,not permanent and no self.But cling on it either being short while of happiness first,then follow by long time addicted and endless desires, or follow by guilty conscious...Repent conscious..Remorse conscious....Yet beings want to be and to have again and again.... Being used to the pleasant feeling,familiar pleasant feeling,take feeling as self,body...perception self. In fate,"Feeling"...arise due to cause and conditions. Those are temporary,yet beings want to be and to have feeling..body..Perception...constant and forever.With the perceive of Emptiness caused,realized that all things on earth -No self,we don't have any real control over them,how could the craving and ignorant man gets what to be and to have?But beings are strongly cling to their own view and entangle...., In fate,there is only the causally conditioned the flowing,the changing,and the revolving.But,beings are deluded by their own "feeling"...caused by wayward,unruly Mind...and the Thought of Endless to be and to have(greed).In short,beings are deluded by their own Feeling,Mind and body.. Those who perceives the Emptiness will realized that the world is Empty.There is nothing that is self,only Delusion made from our Mind.Nothing belong to self, Nothing should has cling to.Thus,striving to achieve of no Disgustful Mind...wayward and unruly....No cling to the thoughts of Endless wanting...Endless desire thoughts that produce either the Endless to be and to have,or Guilty conscious...Repent conscious...Remorse conscious....If one not suffering. The world is not belong to us,instead,we are belong to the world temporary.Human's brain are intelligence ,it's intellect can invent things and solve problems.Beings cling on to this view,familiar and certain with this view,thought that the human are supreme on earth,ruler of the world...thought that the world belongs to them...But actually,beings are deluded by our own brain.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

The Deprive World (5)

In this temporary ,suffer and no self of this world.Mind sees Permanence,Pleasure pertaining to oneself.Like a stubborn little boy,his sole purpose of living is wanting for pleasure feeling.A moment Like, and a moment Dislike...We are forever responding to it wantings and Dislikes. This mind beside wandering out for pleasant's intellect and logic blind us from seeing the truth.Blind-folds our vision and leads us every where for it's endless wanting,comply whatever from it's endless demands.Envy,ill will ...on others.Those are the goodness done by this intelligent culprit that fools around us. All the while,we feel nothing wrong within our self.Till we investigate over our suffering on Five Hindrances,then we realized this culprit is our Mind.We work and serve to the mind,but the mind isn't really take interest to benefit our well being.yet make us more and more defiled and more deluded .Blindly follow the mind like a fool without knowing it's tricks. Oh...Why all the while we do not know we are having this Mind - The Disgustful Mind...Why we do not know we are follow behind this Mind?...Long in search of Truth...Accidentally found it...This is a undisciplined and deluded Mind,leading men for it endless wantings.,Yet, beings are not aware of it...Although human beings are intelligence an Earth.But our humans' mind are so defiled. In this entire world,mind made world.The unsee mind governs the world of men and leads the life of every-body.. Beings' mind are distracted by the worldly possessions and deluded.Leading man from one existence to another existences for it endless wanting.Wandering down ward from Pure Existence to Arupa,to Rupa,and then to this world of Sense Sphere....Do we have a sense of wearisome for repeat responding to the endless wanting from the Mind...?Do we have a sense of Home sick...?When could we regain back ...our Purity...?Do we have a sense of sick and pain...for having such of Disgustful Mind...?We are really ...not worthy...of ourselves - Thereby practicing Not worthy of oneself..

Saturday, 29 September 2012

The Deprive Wold (4)

Having practice of No Craving (no like) and No Anger(no dislike) by keeping the mind in neutral position in meditation. I always remaind myself,and make-up my mind,not to cling on pleasant feeling and Dislike feeling,till the mind used to being that way... Practice over a period of time,our mind become free from the disturb of the attachments, lesser and lesser wandering away to Like and Dislike,more and more watchful....calm and peaceful within... We make use of Meditation to make our mind to experience the Suffer,withstand the Suffer,realized the Suffer,and gain release from Suffers. We do train our mind not to cling on pleasure feeling,and stay at neutral to experience the equanimity.At the same time due to our mind not scattered over the outside world.Our awareness getting stronger and more focus within.We started to notice the movements(activity)of our mind in daily life.We notice the different states of our mind.There are: At the moment when mind arise to entangles on Like and Dislike,and at the movement when mind toward the neutral feeling. let us watching over our mind.Our mind normally wandering off to look for pleasure, but once the mind realized that there is no real pleasure to be found,it'll disband by itself - This is a real karnel subject that the Mind Enlighten and disband by itself naturally.( Not physical person,but Mind itself Enlighten - you can experience by one self) Our Mind very easy to get distracted by the out side world(things).Perception remembers the past sights,sound,smell , tactile sensation pleasurable feeling,latch on the ideas of very good and no good.Through the Five Senses' door wandering in search of it's flavors restlessly.If the desire fulfilled,more and more wantings to be and to have,more and more distraction..proud...and restless...If the Desire is not fulfilled,Mind makes ill will...agitate...anger...remorse...torpor... When Mind Likes - Make us Craving...wandering restlessly..all over the places. When Mind not getting what it wants - Illwill..agitate... Both Like and Dislike,make us wander over somethings for a movement,and later tiring of it and wanting for some other things. Make us running frantically within the circle of Like and Dislike restlessly.Alas...This is the type of our living.Unable us to stay calm,to have some peaceful days...Look at that...This is the world of our Mind...We are living in an affair of agitating and an affair of restless .Realised that we are living in the world of mind,has no real happiness,but big suffer,and yet we have not aware of if...

Saturday, 22 September 2012

The Deprive World (3)

Earnestly practice ,again and again.Whenever I sit down in meditation.I always remind myself...The Acute Pain...The Great Pain of death and separation...Endure...Take on...Make an effort to keep the mind stay at center till it used to being that way....I have to train my mind to take on the pain...endure.. the pain of suffer,and used to the suffer...till it used to being that way.... Before, we realized that to engage on the arisen of attachments are to increase addictions,made more entangles and ground to the deepen addictives of suffering. Now,we also realize our Anger is due to not understand all sorts of SUFFERs,and not capable to withstand the Suffer.These two areas we need to reinforce always. The end result of Craving "to be and to have " come to this type of world,is to repeat the round of Birth and Death.On an affair of Craving,and an affair of Anger,Pride and Conceit...What more?...Made no worthy for oneself...Are those our purpose of living? Very surprising,...Beings living in the Suffer nature of world,yet do not understand The Suffer....And could not withstand the Suffers. On facing is coming of Death.Yet beings are fucas on pleasure of sensation feeling.. ON coming is toward The Great Pain.Yet beings fucas on "Wantings" pertaining to oneself,quarrel over the small little trifle,like a small little boy who donot knows the Suffer Of Existence,and the Pain Of Death And Separation.... In short,all beings arise due to ignorance - Not knowing The Suffers.Beings living in the World Of Mind.Yet not understand their own mind. let us mindful and watching over our mind..

Saturday, 8 September 2012

The Deprive World (2)

The acute pain in legs spears into our heart,force one to change the sitting posture with no choice.This is the experience of pain we gained,we should remember by hard on this Acute Pain all the time.Whenever the arise of "Pain" from Anger,simply compares to this Acute Pain.The pain of Anger is noting.What we see within just a simple arise and disband.A sense of achievement and a sense of satisfaction arise. From this experience, we'll realized that our Anger arises is due to not understand the Pain,and Suffer...Not understand all existenceS of living are Suffering(pain). There are many types of suffers(pain) In life. One of the top rank of Pains (Suffer),even much...much more then what we could describe is the Great Acute Pain of - Brith,Sick,Aging,and Death of pains. When the Pain of Anger arises,simply just compare to this Great Pain.Is there any pain in world greater then the inevitable of our death and separation to our beloved in life?Whenever the anger arise,simply compare to this Great Pain.We'll understand and realized what we quarrel over,just a little trifle,and what we behave,just like a little small boy who is ignorance,and not understand the pains and suffers of living and the life. Every one on earth has to face inevitably death and separation.We have to know how to live with others,and respect the right on others. Under the heading of Great Pain,should we spend a little bit of time to think over how our mother bear and nurturing us...and the father works and suffer for us...Think about others family,and their struggling for existence,and their pains and their suffers...Living in the world of Birth,aging,sick and death...We don't see the Suffer,don't see the Inconstancy,And No Self of others and our own selves...In fate,Inconstancy,Suffer and No self is the True Nature Of All Existences.Do we feel a sense of Pain on seeing the suffers of others? We need very much to learn from Pain and Suffer,and we need to understand more about Suffers.We need to adjust our mind set...

Sunday, 2 September 2012

The Deprive World (1)

Before watching over our mind,I thought I'm a wonderful "GOOD MAN"But after the watching over our mind,realized that I'm really...really..NOT GOOD..very shamed.. Watching the mind,sees the mind,close look the mind...I disagree with my mind,I blame my mind like a mother blame her only son..for making me awhile Happy Clown...awhile Sad clown...Angry a worm...happy to filth..Made me shame and run over every where to look for wantings...Full of all kinds of tricks...So sad...Make sure get it changed or else do not follow me...I'll give close supervision on you(mind),As you had addicted to the pleasant feelings,do not keep on satisfy it again and again!Always be alert ! whatever the arise of urge for pleasure or demanding on Like and Dislike.Do not latch on to it!Should have it identify,and quickly turn away!Pleasant feeling is connected to defilements of passion and craving.It leads to wanting for more delicious flavor on stronger feeling of demand,unable to exit from the deepen sea of addictives,that made for oneself.On the other words,as soon as there's an attachment arise,we should sees the suffering .Bring unacquish to the Five aggregates and mind-The Five aggregates want to enjoy the pleasant feeling and the mind help it recognize and support. from now onward,I'm going to train the mind.I'll change my meditation method to suit my purposes - Sustain effort..bring it backs to neutral,keep still..If it runs away,bring it backs to center...keep it still...Not to engage to the ecstatic joy...If pain arise...endure..endure... Train the mind not to cling to the pleasant feeling ("Like") ,in meditation.So that the mind will not chase after wanting (pleasant feeling)in life. When we doing the meditation,we often encounter legs pain,we train our mind to undertake a litter bit of stress on pain,made the mind endure the suffer practically.Previously mind isn't really understand the suffer.But through this practic of endurance,mind will fully understand the Suffer,and capable to endure stress. Ones the mind really understand the meaning of Suffering,so when we open our eyes after meditation,on facing the "Like and Dislike",we could face more comfortably.Because it wouldn't get agitate easily.The degree of comfort is depended our efforts. We have to change our legs posture slowly if we feel numb.Constantly practice,untill we really understand the entire existences are inconstancy ,suffer and no self. If we keep on practice with endurance on pain,we'll found we have lesser and lesser anger.The duration of time between the two angers are longer and longer. TBC

Sunday, 26 August 2012

THE CLOWN AND WORM (continue from Whirl-Pool). Before watching over our mind,we are so happy to play around with our defilements within our self.After the watching of our mind,realized that the world of mind is nothing - An affair of attachment,and affair of craving.....So sad,all the while we act like a clown in the circus.A moment we laugh,a moment we cry.Performing the repeat round of sadness and happiness,by responding to endless Like and Dislike,anger,proud,suspicions...etc. we are just like a worm,living in the filth,happy to stay and to die in the filth. Alas, If we truly watch carefully,we'll see and be shamed over what we have actually responded.Our responses are those immoral cittas(The defilements),responding to those are not worthy-I'm a really good for nothing and a foolish man. we are not only unacquainted to the Five aggregates.Worst,we unacquaint to the deceiving nature of our own mind. Watching our mind carefully and mindfully.Whatever the arisen,the attachment of sight,sound,tast,sensation ...See what we are doing....The endless desires...The stirring up...The longing...To be and to have...again and again..To ferment the endless desires,running frantically all over the place...Alas..This is called "addicted". In the world of our sensation is nothing - An affair of craving and an affair of being addicted.Making our desire ferment out unnecessarily and looking for trouble for ourselves by making more addictions to our Five aggregates and mind only. Keep on mindfully and with discernment.As soon as arisen in mind the attachment or defilement by way of eye,ear,nose....One should see and understand it leads to endless suffering and addictions.Those are like "drugs",those could harm us.One should relinquish and turn away,to prevent being addicted and harmed.Or quickly let go of the red hot metal ball from our hand before get burn. For those who have truly seen will be willing to put their effort to work for the freedom from suffering,gain control of the defilements - By disengaging (let go) those things....those that arise in mind are not worthy of Attachment.Make an effort to attain what we are suppose to attain,reach what we are suppose to reach by oneself. Beings are blind-folded by many layers of defilements and are addicted by way from Five senses,unacquainted to the deceit nature of mind.This world to them is full of fun and attractions...they pursue..they proud..they boast..and addicted.This is very difficult for being to understand "The Way Out". Beings are like flying insects,plunge themselves into the flame of candle,get themselves burnt....

Saturday, 18 August 2012


To practice of watching over our mind,we need to have meditation and establish some basic orders: The precepts and the Middle way of justifying things. Base on these principles to gauge things inside us.Fully utilize our power of observation, mindful and discernment to exam things within. Not simply act in line with Like and Dislike by our wanting. But something accord with the precepts and Middle way of justification instead. Observation, Mindfulness,Discernment are the tools necessary for us to stay awake in meditation as well as in our daily life. Precepts and Middle way of justify thing made a stand point for our mind to stand rightly. When the mind takes it's stance,accord with the precepts,not jumble everything up,then we can proceed to look into the world of mind,to see how the defilements come into beings and how we make our self involves with the external things. In turn realized what our suffering caused. If we truly look at each mental movement inwardly,not to involve with the external things.Whatever thing arises,simply to look and know it, pure and simple,no "us" no "them".we'll see every mental movement arise and disband by itself naturally. No harm can comes from the joy and sorrow (in pair),if the mind stays in neutrality. In such condition,we'll find our mind empty- no attachment to anything.Freedom,peace and calm. This mind is neither birth nor death,but an awaken mind,available and capable for contemplating. If we get involve with the external things through the contacts of our Five aggregates,then the mind starts to concoct thought-formations,label and fashion things into pairs of feeling-Like and Dislike,happy and sad,restlessly latch on to the attachments,waver all sorts of thought. In such a condition,this mind is no longer empty- attachment.Mind is influenced by the defilement.Minds is birth,because attach to things and start to accumulate Karmas,leave seeds before death(disband). Beside our mind grasps external things,our mind also grasps to the internal defilements,engages "like and Dislike",arises desire. For the sick of desire,it generates many ideas.Sometime,mind makes drama,performs movie shows inside our body.We are the Director of our inner movies,an actor,an audience. We engross those ideas in our inner movies and attached to thing and function of mind firmly.In fact,those mental movements(beings) arise and disband with it's cause and condition,temporary and no self. Both the external and internal beings are a liked.It arises,persist, disband (death).All events arise and disband naturally.The entire world is nothing,the affair of Attachment,affair of Craving,and the affair of repeating round of pain and suffering -Birth,age,death. Avija..Sankhra..Vinnana..Namarupa..Salayatana..Phassa..Vedana..Tanha..Upadana..Bhava..Kati..Jara-marana..... Craving wanting to be and to have again and again,keeps on repeat responding to the Attachments. Living in midst of suffering-Birth,aging,illness and death.Yet,Attachments and Craving keep focus on pleasure,driving us into the world of Samsara-repeat the pain and suffering,and yet,we are not aware of it. Delusion makes us forget that we are living in the midst of suffering,cloud our self from seeing the truth. In fact of unstable ,and the aspect of change and inconstancy,but we see it as permanent ,and the aspect of good and gain of pleasure,pertaining to oneself. The reason of this delusion is because we un-acquaint with the Five aggregates-The perception,thought and feeling etc..and the Twelve links.Because we are alive and conscious,through the contacts of external world,our perception,thought,feeling will naturally arise,and it happens on it's own(no self).We aware and understand such nature,do not latch onto them as bring our self.We need to justify before select as our ideas. We are just living with the Five aggregates,it is the consciousness in action only. We watching over our mind,using our mind to see the mind,know the mind,realize the mind.From it's suffer,know the it's suffer,and understand our suffer.No one can help us,only our self. This is through the practice of watching over our mind,enable us to know how ignorance we are.Because we take defilements and Five aggregates as "I",not understand the Karma- Good begets good, bad begets bad.Yet,we only chase after pleasure,and make the Craving more bigger,and we claim those are "self",and with our common nature of Loving kindness that we called "personality".In fact "I" does not exist.What really exist in man are Citta,Cetasikas and Rupa,and our common true nature of Pure and Loving kindness.Because of this true nature of Loving kindness,that we grieve and pain over our misdeeds,and compassion to others The main reasons of suffering that we have been stumbling in life is because we un acquaint to Five aggregates and it's nature(characteristic).Unable to see through our illusion caused by Five aggregates.We are the captives of our sensation,living in the sensational world of whirl-pool. For those who's mind no longer hassle by defilement,skill in get rid of delusion and leave no opening for craving to stir up the mind to wandering,is a true master of him "self" .

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Jhanas meditation

Jhanas meditation is a very subtle matter.Doing meditation is like us going out from city life,and enter into remote life,no body is around us,only our self. In such environment,normally one will recall those things around us. Similarly in meditation.Meditation is to cut off both the external and internal factors ,and look into the world of mind. Our mind normally engages with defilements,making it very difficult to keep calm when meditation.If we try seriously to make it continue,it's much difficult.Only we try to be as an observant in relaxation and without any objective,then the mind will settle down slowly. In the world of mind.There are: Kama-loka,Rupa-loka,Arupa-loka,and Pure existence. Those are the memories recorded by our mind.It remembered the various existences of our past in which where we came from. In Kama-loka Jhana,we experience many wandering thoughts-Many Like and dislikes. In Rupa-loka Jhana,we experience Initail,Sustaine,Joy,Ecstatic bliss (happiness) one after the other . When attain ecstatic joy (happiness),one can remain in meditation for few hours or few days. The importance is the happiness fades down (reduce) before the end of Rupa-loka Jhana In Arupa-loka Jhana,the feeling of happiness is lesser then Rupe-loka Jhana. In Arupa-loka Jhana,our mind sees (perceives)the: Infinite space,Endless space,Nothingness,Perception neither exists nor does not exist. Finally,we clearly see the Pure existence immediately after the Arupa-loka Jhana. But due to our human body is composed of Rupa and Nama.Started from our mind (Nama)perceiving Rupa-loka Jhana till the Pure existence.Our mind is further and further from our body(Rupa). When our mind reaches Pure existence,our body(Rupa)no longer can sustain and support the Mind (Nama) further away.Our nature fights for survival and caused the Fear to arise.As it is a danger to one own existence due to our limitation. The importance is we clearly saw the Pure existence-Our mind knows that-This is Pur existence In Jhana meditation,craving strongly supported and maintenance the strengths of concentration.Craving dominates all levels of existences.Except at the end before the Arup-loka Jhana,And the Pure existence. That mean,the lower the existence,the higher the craving.The higher the existence,lower the craving.The total wiped out of craving leading to exist from Samsara,toward Pure existence,and find the way home. Due to the eradication of craving and the mind calm in the attainment of Jhanas.and our memory no refreshment caused by long time in meditation.One'll feel body very weak,and feel like living in different world after attended the Jhanas. All the difficulties can over come by one self slowly later. From this Jhana meditation,we'll realized that our down-fall, from Pur existence to Arupa-loka,again down-fall to Rupa-loka,reach to Kama-loka(human world),are because of our craving, .This Craving blinds us from one existence down-fall to lower existence . Can we imagine,if we're not relying our own effort to eradicate our Craving,but to look for other external agency to save us? In fact,we are the one who manipulate our own fate and our destiny.No one can help us! May the Buddha,Dhamma,Sangha shine for ever May the supreme knowledge of Dhamma ever enlighten the whole world.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

My Mother

My Mother MY mother has many children,but my mother has her mind sets and aims rightly at me all times.She likes to blame me for nothing. The very simple reason is because she mixed up her personal affection and feeling toward me. Environment makes in such a way that I have to discharge my duty toward those surrounding me.Often in return I'm not reserved of what I'm supposed.But trouble keep on besetting me from surrounding.In her eye,I'm in great suffering. Pain sticking in her heart.Seeing the misfortune of my life,beseted by her love at her wits end,she could only blame me for what I done. I saw her,breathlessly blaming me in her old ages,and what she blamed are all in turmoil...... Whatever right or wrong she blamed is not the matter.But I'm sad...I sad to have her involved...I touch to have her blamed(Love).... In her eye,I'm a special people in her family - A helpless,A suffering being since teens. In such environment that I'm an elder son,a breadwinner for family of eight. In her eye of my mother,I'm the one indeed of help from heaven.But I in fate no reserve myself anything in return.I'm grateful and thankful for her blames(Love). In my countless of rebirths,all parents have given me their loves could be like her. Whenever it arises of those parental loves in my heart,I'm touched and aware the existence of all my dear parents's love..What more do I need to have?Beneath under the sky,I need nothing - I don't need anything on earth.All things on earth are not longer important to me.Whatever the personal affection or any failure,mishap in life,those are defilements of delusion by environment and the Karma caused.What I have of what I had are those who do not understand - The forever and the deathless of my parental love,that those countless parents have given and infused.This is an immense love towards all beings. This is the calling of all parental loves that awake my immense love - This is the result of all loves keep on pushing behind,till I recognize it - I found it. I gotten it - The reality,suffice whatever,uni in oneness,supreme whatever in completeness - Our Real State Of Nature - Have you ever seen this place? can you recognize this place? This is the place where we from - Our Home. With this immense love enable me to understand the Buddha Teaching - The Sacred,Supreme,Unsurpassed . Although the Enlightenment far away from me,but I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to those who ever help me and family in one way or other when time of our difficulty. I'm not forget of what people help me in the past.Therefore,I write this article with my purpose of attributing them.May they gain merit,be well and happy.The other purpose is in the hope for those who pursuit the Buddha Teaching,some may find helpful.May all share the merits,free from danger and attain Enlightenment. Hopefully this world we visited,is a place of departure on our journey of enlightenment. May we light up our mind,and light up the mind of others.May they free from suffering... From: A helpless,A suffer being.

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Flare Up

As a parents, if they heard that their son is seriously sick,or hurt by someone,his hand broken( eg only) etc.Our minds will flare up to maximum.We feel want to fight,to blow up.Hence our horns grow. Look at this,this is parental love.Our past lives parents planted their mind in our hearts before they past away. Whenever we faced any problem in life.This parental consciousness (angry) will rush up blindly.Wishing to protect us at cost of their lives. Whatever slightest critic or hurt from others.All of their affairs flare up. In meditation.We begin with mindfulness on breath,when the mind sinks,we experience joy.The importance to understand is the way of mind.It sinks to have happiness.Just like our parents sleep peacefully,let not to disturb them. In life,I'm often involved with small little trifles,make them flare up a rang while they' re asleep. In countless of rebirths,I did not realize the existence of parental love in mind.I simply let them involve and suffer. I regret over my cruelty and misdeed.I promise myself not to flare up but to let them rest comfortably,peacefully and happily in the future .I seek their forgiveness and I'll keep watching over my mind for not to make them flare up again and agein. May they be well and happy. Keep watching over our mind.Read and deciphering things within our mind.See the activities of mind making LIKE and DISLIKE.Focus on keeping the mind centered.See how our mind labling things.Till one day we'll understand what things are into the state of mind.It will wander off in various ways in pursuit and stir up.Stay focused on,being aware the mental stability.Not to do anything,but just let the mind stay neutral and equanimous ( equanimity) .Till the wander off and disappear by it self. Keep mind stable within itself.The one who knows,the one who sees,the one realize .