Saturday, 18 August 2012


To practice of watching over our mind,we need to have meditation and establish some basic orders: The precepts and the Middle way of justifying things. Base on these principles to gauge things inside us.Fully utilize our power of observation, mindful and discernment to exam things within. Not simply act in line with Like and Dislike by our wanting. But something accord with the precepts and Middle way of justification instead. Observation, Mindfulness,Discernment are the tools necessary for us to stay awake in meditation as well as in our daily life. Precepts and Middle way of justify thing made a stand point for our mind to stand rightly. When the mind takes it's stance,accord with the precepts,not jumble everything up,then we can proceed to look into the world of mind,to see how the defilements come into beings and how we make our self involves with the external things. In turn realized what our suffering caused. If we truly look at each mental movement inwardly,not to involve with the external things.Whatever thing arises,simply to look and know it, pure and simple,no "us" no "them".we'll see every mental movement arise and disband by itself naturally. No harm can comes from the joy and sorrow (in pair),if the mind stays in neutrality. In such condition,we'll find our mind empty- no attachment to anything.Freedom,peace and calm. This mind is neither birth nor death,but an awaken mind,available and capable for contemplating. If we get involve with the external things through the contacts of our Five aggregates,then the mind starts to concoct thought-formations,label and fashion things into pairs of feeling-Like and Dislike,happy and sad,restlessly latch on to the attachments,waver all sorts of thought. In such a condition,this mind is no longer empty- attachment.Mind is influenced by the defilement.Minds is birth,because attach to things and start to accumulate Karmas,leave seeds before death(disband). Beside our mind grasps external things,our mind also grasps to the internal defilements,engages "like and Dislike",arises desire. For the sick of desire,it generates many ideas.Sometime,mind makes drama,performs movie shows inside our body.We are the Director of our inner movies,an actor,an audience. We engross those ideas in our inner movies and attached to thing and function of mind firmly.In fact,those mental movements(beings) arise and disband with it's cause and condition,temporary and no self. Both the external and internal beings are a liked.It arises,persist, disband (death).All events arise and disband naturally.The entire world is nothing,the affair of Attachment,affair of Craving,and the affair of repeating round of pain and suffering -Birth,age,death. Avija..Sankhra..Vinnana..Namarupa..Salayatana..Phassa..Vedana..Tanha..Upadana..Bhava..Kati..Jara-marana..... Craving wanting to be and to have again and again,keeps on repeat responding to the Attachments. Living in midst of suffering-Birth,aging,illness and death.Yet,Attachments and Craving keep focus on pleasure,driving us into the world of Samsara-repeat the pain and suffering,and yet,we are not aware of it. Delusion makes us forget that we are living in the midst of suffering,cloud our self from seeing the truth. In fact of unstable ,and the aspect of change and inconstancy,but we see it as permanent ,and the aspect of good and gain of pleasure,pertaining to oneself. The reason of this delusion is because we un-acquaint with the Five aggregates-The perception,thought and feeling etc..and the Twelve links.Because we are alive and conscious,through the contacts of external world,our perception,thought,feeling will naturally arise,and it happens on it's own(no self).We aware and understand such nature,do not latch onto them as bring our self.We need to justify before select as our ideas. We are just living with the Five aggregates,it is the consciousness in action only. We watching over our mind,using our mind to see the mind,know the mind,realize the mind.From it's suffer,know the it's suffer,and understand our suffer.No one can help us,only our self. This is through the practice of watching over our mind,enable us to know how ignorance we are.Because we take defilements and Five aggregates as "I",not understand the Karma- Good begets good, bad begets bad.Yet,we only chase after pleasure,and make the Craving more bigger,and we claim those are "self",and with our common nature of Loving kindness that we called "personality".In fact "I" does not exist.What really exist in man are Citta,Cetasikas and Rupa,and our common true nature of Pure and Loving kindness.Because of this true nature of Loving kindness,that we grieve and pain over our misdeeds,and compassion to others The main reasons of suffering that we have been stumbling in life is because we un acquaint to Five aggregates and it's nature(characteristic).Unable to see through our illusion caused by Five aggregates.We are the captives of our sensation,living in the sensational world of whirl-pool. For those who's mind no longer hassle by defilement,skill in get rid of delusion and leave no opening for craving to stir up the mind to wandering,is a true master of him "self" .

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