Sunday, 26 August 2012
(continue from Whirl-Pool).
Before watching over our mind,we are so happy to play around with our defilements within our self.After the watching of our mind,realized that the world of mind is nothing - An affair of attachment,and affair of craving.....So sad,all the while we act like a clown in the circus.A moment we laugh,a moment we cry.Performing the repeat round of sadness and happiness,by responding to endless Like and Dislike,anger,proud,suspicions...etc.
we are just like a worm,living in the filth,happy to stay and to die in the filth.
Alas, If we truly watch carefully,we'll see and be shamed over what we have actually responded.Our responses are those immoral cittas(The defilements),responding to those are not worthy-I'm a really good for nothing and a foolish man.
we are not only unacquainted to the Five aggregates.Worst,we unacquaint to the deceiving nature of our own mind.
Watching our mind carefully and mindfully.Whatever the arisen,the attachment of sight,sound,tast,sensation ...See what we are doing....The endless desires...The stirring up...The longing...To be and to have...again and again..To ferment the endless desires,running frantically all over the place...Alas..This is called "addicted".
In the world of our sensation is nothing - An affair of craving and an affair of being addicted.Making our desire ferment out unnecessarily and looking for trouble for ourselves by making more addictions to our Five aggregates and mind only.
Keep on mindfully and with discernment.As soon as arisen in mind the attachment or defilement by way of eye,ear,nose....One should see and understand it leads to endless suffering and addictions.Those are like "drugs",those could harm us.One should relinquish and turn away,to prevent being addicted and harmed.Or quickly let go of the red hot metal ball from our hand before get burn.
For those who have truly seen will be willing to put their effort to work for the freedom from suffering,gain control of the defilements - By disengaging (let go) those things....those that arise in mind are not worthy of Attachment.Make an effort to attain what we are suppose to attain,reach what we are suppose to reach by oneself.
Beings are blind-folded by many layers of defilements and are addicted by way from Five senses,unacquainted to the deceit nature of mind.This world to them is full of fun and attractions...they pursue..they proud..they boast..and addicted.This is very difficult for being to understand "The Way Out".
Beings are like flying insects,plunge themselves into the flame of candle,get themselves burnt....
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