Saturday, 29 September 2012

The Deprive Wold (4)

Having practice of No Craving (no like) and No Anger(no dislike) by keeping the mind in neutral position in meditation. I always remaind myself,and make-up my mind,not to cling on pleasant feeling and Dislike feeling,till the mind used to being that way... Practice over a period of time,our mind become free from the disturb of the attachments, lesser and lesser wandering away to Like and Dislike,more and more watchful....calm and peaceful within... We make use of Meditation to make our mind to experience the Suffer,withstand the Suffer,realized the Suffer,and gain release from Suffers. We do train our mind not to cling on pleasure feeling,and stay at neutral to experience the equanimity.At the same time due to our mind not scattered over the outside world.Our awareness getting stronger and more focus within.We started to notice the movements(activity)of our mind in daily life.We notice the different states of our mind.There are: At the moment when mind arise to entangles on Like and Dislike,and at the movement when mind toward the neutral feeling. let us watching over our mind.Our mind normally wandering off to look for pleasure, but once the mind realized that there is no real pleasure to be found,it'll disband by itself - This is a real karnel subject that the Mind Enlighten and disband by itself naturally.( Not physical person,but Mind itself Enlighten - you can experience by one self) Our Mind very easy to get distracted by the out side world(things).Perception remembers the past sights,sound,smell , tactile sensation pleasurable feeling,latch on the ideas of very good and no good.Through the Five Senses' door wandering in search of it's flavors restlessly.If the desire fulfilled,more and more wantings to be and to have,more and more distraction..proud...and restless...If the Desire is not fulfilled,Mind makes ill will...agitate...anger...remorse...torpor... When Mind Likes - Make us Craving...wandering restlessly..all over the places. When Mind not getting what it wants - Illwill..agitate... Both Like and Dislike,make us wander over somethings for a movement,and later tiring of it and wanting for some other things. Make us running frantically within the circle of Like and Dislike restlessly.Alas...This is the type of our living.Unable us to stay calm,to have some peaceful days...Look at that...This is the world of our Mind...We are living in an affair of agitating and an affair of restless .Realised that we are living in the world of mind,has no real happiness,but big suffer,and yet we have not aware of if...

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