Saturday, 29 September 2012

The Deprive Wold (4)

Having practice of No Craving (no like) and No Anger(no dislike) by keeping the mind in neutral position in meditation. I always remaind myself,and make-up my mind,not to cling on pleasant feeling and Dislike feeling,till the mind used to being that way... Practice over a period of time,our mind become free from the disturb of the attachments, lesser and lesser wandering away to Like and Dislike,more and more watchful....calm and peaceful within... We make use of Meditation to make our mind to experience the Suffer,withstand the Suffer,realized the Suffer,and gain release from Suffers. We do train our mind not to cling on pleasure feeling,and stay at neutral to experience the equanimity.At the same time due to our mind not scattered over the outside world.Our awareness getting stronger and more focus within.We started to notice the movements(activity)of our mind in daily life.We notice the different states of our mind.There are: At the moment when mind arise to entangles on Like and Dislike,and at the movement when mind toward the neutral feeling. let us watching over our mind.Our mind normally wandering off to look for pleasure, but once the mind realized that there is no real pleasure to be found,it'll disband by itself - This is a real karnel subject that the Mind Enlighten and disband by itself naturally.( Not physical person,but Mind itself Enlighten - you can experience by one self) Our Mind very easy to get distracted by the out side world(things).Perception remembers the past sights,sound,smell , tactile sensation pleasurable feeling,latch on the ideas of very good and no good.Through the Five Senses' door wandering in search of it's flavors restlessly.If the desire fulfilled,more and more wantings to be and to have,more and more distraction..proud...and restless...If the Desire is not fulfilled,Mind makes ill will...agitate...anger...remorse...torpor... When Mind Likes - Make us Craving...wandering restlessly..all over the places. When Mind not getting what it wants - Illwill..agitate... Both Like and Dislike,make us wander over somethings for a movement,and later tiring of it and wanting for some other things. Make us running frantically within the circle of Like and Dislike restlessly.Alas...This is the type of our living.Unable us to stay calm,to have some peaceful days...Look at that...This is the world of our Mind...We are living in an affair of agitating and an affair of restless .Realised that we are living in the world of mind,has no real happiness,but big suffer,and yet we have not aware of if...

Saturday, 22 September 2012

The Deprive World (3)

Earnestly practice ,again and again.Whenever I sit down in meditation.I always remind myself...The Acute Pain...The Great Pain of death and separation...Endure...Take on...Make an effort to keep the mind stay at center till it used to being that way....I have to train my mind to take on the pain...endure.. the pain of suffer,and used to the suffer...till it used to being that way.... Before, we realized that to engage on the arisen of attachments are to increase addictions,made more entangles and ground to the deepen addictives of suffering. Now,we also realize our Anger is due to not understand all sorts of SUFFERs,and not capable to withstand the Suffer.These two areas we need to reinforce always. The end result of Craving "to be and to have " come to this type of world,is to repeat the round of Birth and Death.On an affair of Craving,and an affair of Anger,Pride and Conceit...What more?...Made no worthy for oneself...Are those our purpose of living? Very surprising,...Beings living in the Suffer nature of world,yet do not understand The Suffer....And could not withstand the Suffers. On facing is coming of Death.Yet beings are fucas on pleasure of sensation feeling.. ON coming is toward The Great Pain.Yet beings fucas on "Wantings" pertaining to oneself,quarrel over the small little trifle,like a small little boy who donot knows the Suffer Of Existence,and the Pain Of Death And Separation.... In short,all beings arise due to ignorance - Not knowing The Suffers.Beings living in the World Of Mind.Yet not understand their own mind. let us mindful and watching over our mind..

Saturday, 8 September 2012

The Deprive World (2)

The acute pain in legs spears into our heart,force one to change the sitting posture with no choice.This is the experience of pain we gained,we should remember by hard on this Acute Pain all the time.Whenever the arise of "Pain" from Anger,simply compares to this Acute Pain.The pain of Anger is noting.What we see within just a simple arise and disband.A sense of achievement and a sense of satisfaction arise. From this experience, we'll realized that our Anger arises is due to not understand the Pain,and Suffer...Not understand all existenceS of living are Suffering(pain). There are many types of suffers(pain) In life. One of the top rank of Pains (Suffer),even much...much more then what we could describe is the Great Acute Pain of - Brith,Sick,Aging,and Death of pains. When the Pain of Anger arises,simply just compare to this Great Pain.Is there any pain in world greater then the inevitable of our death and separation to our beloved in life?Whenever the anger arise,simply compare to this Great Pain.We'll understand and realized what we quarrel over,just a little trifle,and what we behave,just like a little small boy who is ignorance,and not understand the pains and suffers of living and the life. Every one on earth has to face inevitably death and separation.We have to know how to live with others,and respect the right on others. Under the heading of Great Pain,should we spend a little bit of time to think over how our mother bear and nurturing us...and the father works and suffer for us...Think about others family,and their struggling for existence,and their pains and their suffers...Living in the world of Birth,aging,sick and death...We don't see the Suffer,don't see the Inconstancy,And No Self of others and our own selves...In fate,Inconstancy,Suffer and No self is the True Nature Of All Existences.Do we feel a sense of Pain on seeing the suffers of others? We need very much to learn from Pain and Suffer,and we need to understand more about Suffers.We need to adjust our mind set...

Sunday, 2 September 2012

The Deprive World (1)

Before watching over our mind,I thought I'm a wonderful "GOOD MAN"But after the watching over our mind,realized that I'm really...really..NOT GOOD..very shamed.. Watching the mind,sees the mind,close look the mind...I disagree with my mind,I blame my mind like a mother blame her only son..for making me awhile Happy Clown...awhile Sad clown...Angry a worm...happy to filth..Made me shame and run over every where to look for wantings...Full of all kinds of tricks...So sad...Make sure get it changed or else do not follow me...I'll give close supervision on you(mind),As you had addicted to the pleasant feelings,do not keep on satisfy it again and again!Always be alert ! whatever the arise of urge for pleasure or demanding on Like and Dislike.Do not latch on to it!Should have it identify,and quickly turn away!Pleasant feeling is connected to defilements of passion and craving.It leads to wanting for more delicious flavor on stronger feeling of demand,unable to exit from the deepen sea of addictives,that made for oneself.On the other words,as soon as there's an attachment arise,we should sees the suffering .Bring unacquish to the Five aggregates and mind-The Five aggregates want to enjoy the pleasant feeling and the mind help it recognize and support. from now onward,I'm going to train the mind.I'll change my meditation method to suit my purposes - Sustain effort..bring it backs to neutral,keep still..If it runs away,bring it backs to center...keep it still...Not to engage to the ecstatic joy...If pain arise...endure..endure... Train the mind not to cling to the pleasant feeling ("Like") ,in meditation.So that the mind will not chase after wanting (pleasant feeling)in life. When we doing the meditation,we often encounter legs pain,we train our mind to undertake a litter bit of stress on pain,made the mind endure the suffer practically.Previously mind isn't really understand the suffer.But through this practic of endurance,mind will fully understand the Suffer,and capable to endure stress. Ones the mind really understand the meaning of Suffering,so when we open our eyes after meditation,on facing the "Like and Dislike",we could face more comfortably.Because it wouldn't get agitate easily.The degree of comfort is depended our efforts. We have to change our legs posture slowly if we feel numb.Constantly practice,untill we really understand the entire existences are inconstancy ,suffer and no self. If we keep on practice with endurance on pain,we'll found we have lesser and lesser anger.The duration of time between the two angers are longer and longer. TBC