Saturday, 13 April 2013

The Deprive World (12)

The long lasting of comfortable feeling in ease of eternal Supreme Peace in Jhana, is much more interesting to us, it is our wish to have develop,attain n stay over there, because of comfortable feeling and endless longevity lifetime and calm that meet to our requirement. Thereby, we trace on to this particular type of Peace in meditation.....I then focus my attention...sustain feeling...Neutral feeling...Equanimity....Concentration in Jhanna. Having earnestly inquire and effort......Ooooh..oh wonderful...oooh..yes...I see..found it...I gotten it!! it is inside the deepest recess of our mind. Marvelous.... This is a place of Perfect Serenity,no disaster,no hatred like storm,no anger like fire,neither flood with sensuality, no killing, no stealing, no cheating etc...This is a place of Supreme Peace and forever lasting endless lifetime zones, endless longevity lifetime of eternal peace. "Not by mounts however,would one go to Untrodden Land,as one who is self-tamed goes by his own tamed and well-controlled mind...."Dhammapada..323. long have I suffered astray over the outside world,wandering over the restless Samsara,this place remains perfectly pure and unpolluted, remains silently with us since countless of lifetimes,but we are failed to realize it.This is a place liken a parental home,who are long looking for the return of their child.This home is so comfort and welcome,secure and conducive... "When, after a long absence,a man safely returns home from afar,his relatives,friends and well-wished welcome him home on arrival.."..Dhammapada 219 Having long suffering out in Samsara like an elephant held in captivity(pleasant feeling),the tusker only call to mind the elephant forest(Pure Nature Of Perfection)..Now I have found back this beautiful forest(home) ,I shall stay in this home.This is a Pure and Perfect Home,Pure and perfect no evil,no craving,hatred..delusion,no defilement....A land of Pure and Perfect for virtue and well being. No birth no death.(As it is permanent,no birth and no death)..

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