Saturday, 16 November 2013

The deprive World 15。1

15.1  Last investigations, we perceived : FIVE AGGREGATES CLINGING TO SUFFERING AND NO-SELF.... We borne with Five Aggregates, these Five Aggregates keep on clinging to pleasant feeling habitually. We are resemble a machine, feed in pleasant feeling and produce Emotion, Craving, Selfishness....defilements....and come up a "SELF". In the world of SELF, that is a personal liking that blinds the man in his OWN WORLD. Let us continue to our investigation: Our sense faculties attracted by sense objects and we derive enjoyment from it. Why at the end is suffering?  In our life, we have grand parent....parent ..... relatives...friends....but, none of them with us permanently. Even our body, and what we have had....all are IMPERMANENT... Another words, Impermanence, Unsatisfactoriness and No-self......such situations will always be present in the world. From here, we could clearly understand that neither the delightful objects nor the enjoyment is lasting. It liken a flower, is beauty and latter becomes wither, waste and turn into Emptiness. All mundane pleasures, all are having fleeting nature. Whether we like it or not, all are subject to pain and disgust, finally turns to Emptiness.   ALL KINDS OF NATURE PHENOMENAS HAVE ITS TRUE NATURE CHARACTERISTIC - "Emptiness." Beings are not realized and take "feeling" is most important then anything...Did not see the Impermanence nature of all things that subject to disgust and pain, having their FIVE AGGREGATES CLING ON TO SUFFER, NO SELF... AND CLING TO.....EMPTINESS... Beings do not understand the working principle of Five Aggregates and all things have it true nature of characteristic- Emptiness, therefore ignorant. But, when one UNDERSTANDS The Five Aggregates and the Nature Of Emptiness, True knowledges arises, one would practice the Realizations and lead one self to that excellence. Another words, Meditator who realized those defilements caused by attachments which we help fast and praised for pleasant feelings are the real causes of sufferings(the endless worldly Rebirths, sustaining by those defilements caused by deluded mind), one will PURIFY HIS OWN MIND to abandon those impure desires and defilements seriously. At the same time changes the way of thinkings to that all things are Suffer, Impermanent, No-self and Empty. His mind frees from entangled, Will put away deep fondness for things and take thing lightly to all the likes and dislikes. Due to te RIGHT UNDERSTANDING of Impermanence, Suffer, No self, Emptiness .....removes our ignorance to the nature of existence, RIGHT VIEW arises lead to RIGHT THOUGHT AND RIGHT SPEECH, ACTION to remove our impure desire and defilements, put the worldly view aside and free our mind from Suffering by ignorance caused. As the Mind growth progressively with the advancement of true knowledges(understand the Impermanence, Suffer, No self, Emptiness), the right attitude of life toke place, one enjoys living in world of real peace and happiness(heavenly bliss). The experience of peace and happiness came from our "right view and action" through the Wisdom arising tells us that the Buddha was right that his teaching really could best contribute to peace and happiness for oneself, society.....and the world. (We are at the Wisdom arising. Two factors of Wisdom arising are right understanding and right thought are explained above. it leads to right actions that end sufferings in our mind). From the investigations, we proved that our delusion and ignorance can be removed by developing the quanlity of our RIGHT UNDERSTANDING. We do understand that the rebirth is depend on one's view and actions of our mind, those defilements(ignorance beings caused by delusion) are the cause of endless rebirths. Therefore whatever the arising of impure beings(ignorance) have it justify and abandon, so it would not come in (rebirth) and land in our mind. Ignorance is the first factor of twelve links of our becoming. Ignorance also the first cause of suffering in Four Noble Truth. If we could stop the ignorance from death.. no suffering...( one will experience No birth No death, the true state of peaceful mind). "Bhikkhu....should carefully attend to these five aggregates subject to clinging as impermanent, as suffering, as disease, as a tumor, as a dart, as an affliction, as empty, as non self...There is....has to done and no repetition of what he has already done. However, when these things are developed and cultivated, they lead to a pleasant dwelling in this very life and to mindfulness and clear comprehension".......Samyutta Nikkaya 22:122(10). In fact, we are tracing the cause of our suffering. tracing from the factors of Dependent Origination on our mental events and attain realization that we found our suffering occurs due to our ignorance that made us experience the endless 12 links for pleasures and pains. "Deep indeed is Dependent Origination, it is by not realizing this principle that all men have become ball of thread, unable to stop suffering and rebirth." This should be added that only by oneself could free own self from his own entanglements, no one could help others directly. Up to now, we are just manage to understand that we are in fact practicing the Four Mindfulness to end suffering prescribed by Buddha since two thousands five hundred years ago. Four Mindfulness that we are practicing in daily are: Body is loathsome...Feeling is Unsatisfactoriness....Mind is Impermanence...Dhamma No self and Emptiness. Buddha has us observe precepts and meditation first then follow by the Four Mindfulness. The precepts serve as a guid to right view and actions, to purify our mind to moral excellence and lead a noble life. And the mastering in our meditation is to purify our mind by developing the dispassionate to the attachments so to produce the necessary insight, for us to apply on the practicing of Four Mindfulness. Four Mindfulness help us to master overcome our sensual desire, and the Investigation on mental events, lead to understand the working principle of Five Aggregates and the Emptiness of all nature phenomenas, lead to Eight Folds Noble Path, finally attain realization and deliverance by ourselves. Is Buddha Brahmin....supper human?.....god...? Those Enlightened beings claimed that they are having same Buddha nature, do you think so? Do we really understand the Five Aggregates with it's 121 mental factors? Do we really understand the Four Mindfulness, 12 Links...etc? Finally The Four Noble Truth?