Sunday, 20 October 2013

15. Five Aggregates No self And Suffer

     Five Aggregates No self And Suffer When begin in meditation, we often found bring disturbing by our wandering thoughts. Those thoughts are imprints leave in the mind of our pasts. We do experience the pain from our body. Both body and Mind are not react as what we wanted to be. After sometime in meditation, when all the mental fabrications slowly disappear, one enjoys peace and joy. If we further investigate MIND CLINGING TO PLEASANT FEELING, over the reason on what we feel in meditation, We will understand that our Mind clinging to pleasant feeling habitually, both inside and outside and whatever...... For the sick of pleasant feeling, Mind interprets gain is happy, lost is sad and angry, made for us more and more attachments "to happy" , more and more not to aware its endless creations, but to continue undergo its endless wanting blindly. Because our Mind clings to pleasant feelings, stay only at happy and angry, not stay on the reality... wrong view.       Mind precedes all our mental states, for the sick of pleasant feeling and unpleasant feelings, through the Body, Speech Action, creat Kamma for one self and others. In meditation. Whatever the arising of unpleasant and pleasant feelings, practice to aware over it and justify its reality. One would realize that those are the delusions made by our Mind.., MIND MADE DELUSION. We thought we are conscious all over the things at all time, but in reality, we are not!  Similarly,in our daily life, Practice barely watching over our body speech, actions, see how we clinging to the pleasant and unpleasant feelings, and see how we behave, and then compare to the moral code. For after some time, one will realize what our mind firmly attached to are those defilements caused. Those defilements: pride, evil opinion. conceit, hatred, jealousy,.....all those are not for our well being, but recurrent of our miseries in life - The endless SUFFERINGS。 In turn, one will realize our MIND NO SELF, FEELING NO SELF, FIVE AGGREGATES NO SELF. MIND CLINGING TO ALL THOSE ARE SUFFERINGS, MIND MADE DELUSION - THE WORLD OF DELUSION. Five Khandas clinging to suffering, creat delusion and the world of kammas and endless of sufferings. Understand the delusion sustaining the power of Kamma for one self by the deluded mind, one would understand Kamma not true...Mind made. Our deluded mind is the one who made ourselves and its own endless suffering. In our daily life, whatever the unpleasant or pleasant feeling arises fabrications in Mind, barely watching over our body, speech, action, justify whether met with the reality or not? One would quickly aware, those are Mind made intentions and delusions. Those are the imprints leave from our present and pasts, those are not soul, but Delusion - One will realized The Powerful Of Our Kamma. We are the one who created the merit and dismerit Kammas for ourselves, to under go our own endless creations . If man can not see the reality of life, clings on to it, it becomes personality-belief, interprets the five aggregates as an individual or I , when personality arises, give rises to other wrong views that couple with our action, speech and thought, bear kamma properties, which cause rebirths and shape the destiny for our selves and the world again. "I " do not exist, those are Mind made delusion. Be discipline over our  body speech and action, be mindful our intention and alert when clinging to pleasant and unpleasant feelings, till not becoming. Free our selves from suffering. Be our selves, conquer by our selves. In charge over our own destiny- A master over our selves ! FIVE  AGGREGATE NO SELF AND SUFFERING.... KHAMMA NOT TRUE... Created by our deluded mind- DELUSION.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Deprive world 14.2

From the investigation over our Five Khandas, we found "Pleasant Feeling" is a cause of all sufferings. There are materialistic and non-materialistic borne pleasant feelings ,those are No-Self. Even the pleasant feeling borne from merits are also need to be discarded. Like we sharing of merit at the end of our daily chanting season. We give up whatever merits. Otherwise, the clinging habit of our Mind will be assisted by us unintentionally. It leads to arise new mental fabrications, new birth..old...death and endless Suffeings. With the help of Transferring Of Merits, we are actually cultivate of giving away of it's clinging habit - WE DO NOT WANT ANYTHING. That is the correct attitude toward all beings that we have developed and experience the real happiness that created by us in silent during the transferring of Merits. By practicing giving away of merit, we develop compassion and loving kindness extending to others, bring for oneself a fine and healthily mind that realizes a joyful and virtual way of meaningful life instead of letting our mind cling onto greed, aversion, delusion to continue undergo the suffering way of life. Beside the merit transfer help to divert the Mind's clinging habit and evolves our mind. We developed a Way of practice....By Seeing and Looking....hearing and listening...etc.. and at the same time watching over our Mind quietly, see how it arises mental fabrications. Barely watching, over our inner involvements and it's activities, and develop a Mindful manner, keep us investigate by our selves, see if our Mind clinging onto those objects arise pleasant feelings are what sort of things?....are those really Good? Are those really substantial? Are those really meaningful? Finally, have it justify by our selves. Whether we took Endless life of rebirths, underwent all sort of sufferings just for this Pleasant feeling? Let ourselves to see and think over it, whether worth it or not? This meaningless of pleasant feeling and it's clinging power obsessed man for endless sufferings and Countless rebirths- Beings binding him selves un-consciously... because of this habitual actions of our Mind that happened to us, but we are not really understand, not awarded of it... We are as good as "Sleeping" in this world.....we do not see the Dangerous Of Pleasant Feeling. Upon realized, meditator turns away from the meaningless of Pleasant Feeling and the WORLD. No longer curious over this World......

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Dhammapada 34

Dhammapada 34 AS A FISH WHEN PULLED OUT OF WATER AND CAST ON LAND THROBS AND QUIVERS, EVEN SO IS THIS MIND AGITATED. HENCE SHOULD ONE ABANDON THE REALM OF MARA. "Impermanence ,Suffer and No-self" - The three characteristics of all existences.(The universal truth). When our mind realized that all things on earth are having these three characteristics. The fact of life is that ,no being is free from this bond of misery and its perspective. One would disappointed and frustrated,like fish throbs and quivers on land, will makes a lofty aspiration ,starts on his spiritual journey to search for Truth and the reason of life: The Suffer, The cause of Suffer, the end Suffer, the way to end Suffer. In the whole series of his journey, let the wise man knowns by him self : Five aggregates no-self, feeling, perception, volition ,consciousness self ... Finally realized that the volition of our mind is the important mental factor of rebirths and sufferings. When one really comprehened tge life and the world, the happiness borne from the achievement arises, and almost at the same time we would feel the sorrow ,because from our surrounding,someone passing remark said that we are "mad"... During the progress of our sorrow over our ignorant in our past, and quickly to understand others who are happily with their ignorance and not aware the danger ,that makes us more bigger cry then no body business. As we cry not only for ourselves, we do cry for others. For the sick of our love and care of others ,we feel our loud cry  make the whole atmosphere sacking like we are in midst of the earth quake. When we found back our true nature,our mind will returns back to it calmness, harmonies and united within it self,and dwell in it's spiritual home - Peace within and attain joyful ness. It Peaces with it self and others..Peaces with the wold. The fact of this world is that Body no self,Feeling..Perception...Volition...Consciousness...No self,all things on earth are subjected to cause and effect.  All beings on earth are attached to pleasant feeling, for the sick of pleasant feeling, through the body, speech and action, beings creat Khamma - That good begets good rebirth, and evil begets evil.  If beings could understand the working of Khamma and it's results. Beings would not do any unwholesome act. This world would peace and happy. Since the Khamma is made by our deluded mind, it is illusion and not reality. Let us overcome it by practicing the Precepts and Concentration, to purify our mind and edify others. To make ourselves peace ...inturn society peace..nation peace...The world peace.. This teaching shows the way by which mankind could cross from a world of retribution and Unsactisfactoriness, to a world of light, peace, love and happiness that mankind can be developed and achieved by them self during life time.  ...Let awakening together ... MAY ALL NATIONS AND THE WORLD PEACE Remark: Mara is refer to the land where the fish(our Mind) throbs and quiver away from it realm. Hence should one understand The Suffer, The cause of Suffer, The end Suffer, The way to the end Suffer.

法句 Dhammapada 34

法句34 魚兒离水之時,争扚狂跳。人心离开魔掌之時也是如此。 “无常,空苦,无我” 当我们的心「了悟」了一切事物、和一切生命无常之后,开始了对自己本身生命展开了可歌可泣的搜索。 回顧自我創价的无知生命。誏您亲証:五瘟皆空,色受想行熾,也是如此。。。心法即是仑回法。誏你涕笑皆非。也誏你哭笑不能,因为人们說我们「瘋了」。 当我们的心在悔悟自我无知創价,悲意行盛之际,自证证他、悲憐众生,为众生请命故,内心油然呐喊:众生无罪以无知故,此情此景,山崩地裂、義震山河。。。 当我们找到自己的天然本性時,我们的心就会自然的,归顺自己固然本有的和平自性、找到了自己心𤫊的温馨归属。找到了和平、对自己和平--对他人和平----天下太平。。。。 这个世界,只是五陰乐受,因果报应而已。。人若有知,恶业不作,必然太平。五陰空苦,随诸业力,显现幻境。妄心所现,本是虚妄!只须靠自己的努力,戒德行解。就能倡造自身的和平。那么人人都和平。。誏我们一起來共创大家的和平。。。社会的和平。。。世界和平。。。 这个教育教导人们出离一个不良的贪痴造业环境,到达一个人人都可以在今生亲自得证的和平慈爱、温馨美满的快乐世界。 。。誏我们都觉醒吧!。。。 風调雨顺。國泰民安。 诠: 麾罗比喻陆地,鱼儿逃离麾掌。知苦、苦苦、苦因、苦灭。

Saturday, 5 October 2013

法句 Dhammapada 162 佛陀语录

法句  Dhammapada 162 ,(佛陀語录) 林中攀蕂,捆倒赖以为生的樹身,來致自己于死地。。剝奪为自身所作的,正是圆敌所愿。 当证到五蕴无我之后,生活中我们就会察觉自己的想法具有和陸,圆潤,细緻如流,和谐的洞察力,富有柔顺,卑下的智慧眼光的对人处事時。这种安祥美满的温馨感觉,誏我们对自己的心态感到无比的心安。这本来就是我们該有的心𤫊世界。当我们自己对自己的心宽,柔顺的心法而心安而生喜。自己和自己的心就和谐了。自己和自己就和平了,。。纳受了。从我们的生喜得乐,而誏我们更加努力的改善我们自己的心法。 这就是我们本来应有的清浄的祥和世界,本心的幸福圆满的归宿。这就是所谓的常乐我浄。 这常乐我浄,道尽了我们继续精进的人生願望。 只要我们願意放下我们为自己量身佩制的沉重框架(攀藤),就必然解放自己,成就我们的涅槃愿望,誏我们自己奔向自由和自主的天地。那么我们的灭苦解脱就有了希望。成就必在当下。我们最大的敌人不是别人而是自己。 观心在意。每当心中出现“剝奪、侵佔他人之心”出现䝰,不给剝奪者立足,而灭之。在我们五蕴乃在之時的便利,支助之下,証得涅槃。何须等待末來。给我们自己伧造现世的和平,也導至他人的幸福和平。以免圆敌(我)所愿。这樣我们就能放下自己无知的框𣕧!誏我们一起成长吧,飞向自由吧! 來來來!各位師父朋友们!没有大乘,也没有小乘!放下"攀藤"吧!大家一同证悟吧!同登当下的极乐世界!和平的快乐世界吧!希望所有所有的人们,都能和我们一様顺利的、平安的。。。和我们回返固有的祥和,温馨的極乐世界吧!        回头是岸。。。